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《全民新聞台》[港聞]為800元人民幣報酬 女子來港開戶處理電騙款項 判囚1年



案情指,廉署早前接獲投訴,懷疑有人在電騙案中冒充廉署人員,廉署展開調查後發現,被告於2018年由他人安排來港在中銀香港開立戶口,並交由他人操作,以獲得800元人民幣報酬 ; 被告串謀他人處理四筆戶口內的美元及加拿大元,總值約50萬港元,被告同意進行交易時,知道或有合理理由相信其戶口會被用作非法清洗犯罪得益。

主任裁判官徐綺薇判刑時指,被告來港開戶,顯示她積極參與這宗案件,以監禁18個月為量刑起點,考慮到她認罪, 將刑期扣減至一年。

A 42-year-old woman has been sentenced to one year in prison by the Eastern Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong for her involvement in an online fraud case. The woman is accused of accepting 800 yuan in compensation for opening a bank account at Bank of China (Hong Kong) , which was later used to handle the funds of the fraud case.

According to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the defendant was arranged by others to come to Hong Kong in 2018 to open a bank account. She was then paid 800 yuan and handed over control of the account to others. The defendant conspired with others to process four transactions involving US dollars and Canadian dollars in the bank account, with a total value of approximately HKD 500,000. The defendant knew or had reasonable grounds to believe that her account would be used for the illegal laundering of criminal proceeds.

During sentencing, the presiding judge noted that the defendant's active participation in the case was demonstrated by her opening the bank account in Hong Kong. The starting point for sentencing was 18 months' imprisonment, but the sentence was reduced to one year due to the defendant's guilty plea. The case serves as a reminder of the serious consequences of involvement in money laundering and other criminal activities.

文 : Area 51





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