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《全民新聞台》[港聞]特區政府從賑災基金 批出約6500萬撥款

特區政府從賑災基金  批出約6500萬撥款
特區政府從賑災基金 批出約6500萬撥款



1. 香港工會聯合會救災慈善基金

2. 香港北京社團總會

3. 香港世界宣明會

4. 香港青聯交流基金

5. 香港島各界社會服務基金會

6. 華菁會青年基金會

7. 港區省級政協委員聯誼會基金

8. 港區婦聯代表聯誼會基金

9. 愛德基金會(香港)


With the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Northeast China recently hit by severe rainstorms and floods, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) today (August 14) approved under the Disaster Relief Fund nine disaster relief applications, amounting to total grants of about $65 million, from nine organisations.

A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said, "The HKSAR Government expresses its deep sympathy to the Mainland compatriots affected by the disaster, and maintains close contact with various rescue organisations regarding the disaster situation and related relief support. The severe rainstorms and floods have resulted in serious causalities and property losses, thereby calling for urgent disaster relief work. The HKSAR Government has promptly processed the disaster relief funding applications from nine organisations under the Disaster Relief Fund in consultation with the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee, and informed the organisations concerned of the in-principle approval given for grants totalling about $65 million to offer help in terms of relief items, etc, to the Mainland compatriots affected by the disaster."






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