In an alarming incident that took place this afternoon, a jewellery store located at 280 Castle Peak Road in Tsuen Wan fell victim to a robbery. According to police reports, a man in his thirties, who was not wearing a mask, entered the store and pretended to be a customer. He left shortly after looking at some jewellery, but returned 15 minutes later, this time wearing a mask. The man requested to see several gold chains and asked the staff member to take them out for him to compare prices. The staff member complied and took out a chain worth over HKD 30,000. However, the man then asked to see another chain from inside the display cabinet. Seizing the opportunity, the man quickly snatched other gold chains before fleeing the store.
The staff member chased after the robber and caught up with him on Wing Lung Street, around 300 meters away from the store. Thanks to the help of some passersby, they managed to apprehend the robber. However, during the chase, the staff member fell and scraped their knee, requiring treatment at the hospital.
The staff member reported that the man spoke fluent Cantonese and seemed interested in purchasing a gold chain. The police are investigating the case and are urging anyone with information to come forward.
文 : Area 51
圖攝 : Loki
影片拍攝 : 黃芷澄
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