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《全民新聞台》[港聞]瑪麗及北區醫院 分別有病房設備電路板故障 沒有病人或職員受傷



瑪麗醫院星期日下午約3時半接獲職員報告,內科病房一個設於病格門外、供病人呼喚職員的指示燈失靈及傳出異味,經檢查後確認指示燈的電路板故障,期間兩名病人被暫時轉移到病房外, 並於同日下午完成維修更換零件。

另一宗在北區醫院一個骨科病房, 昨日下午約三時,病房護士站一部氣動輸送管裝置傳出異味,初步檢查相信是裝置內的電路板故障引起,院方已安排更換電路板,預計星期二完成。


The spokesman for the Hospital Authority (HA) announced two ward facilities circuit board malfunction incidents today (March 13):

Queen Mary Hospital received a staff report yesterday (March 12) at around 3.30pm, stating that a patient call bell indication light box set outside a medical ward cubicle was malfunctioning with pungent smell. After investigation, the circuit board of the light was confirmed malfunction. Repair works were completed in the same afternoon. During the works, two patients were temporarily transferred outside the cubicle to facilitate the works.

Another incident was reported in the orthopaedic ward of North District Hospital (NDH). Pungent smell was found in a pneumatic tube device at the nurse station at around 3pm today. Preliminary inspection found that the incident was related to the system circuit board malfunction. The NDH has arranged to replace the circuit board and was expected to complete on March 14.

Both wards are installed with proper devices to ascertain electricity safety. No patients nor staff were injured in the incidents. Patient services were not affected. The HA reiterates that the safety of patients and staff is the HA's utmost concern. The two hospitals have reported the incidents to the HA Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.





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