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《全民新聞台》[港聞]男警對殉職女水警發佈煽動言論 判囚10個月




Marine Police Chief Inspector (posthumously awarded) Lin Wanyi, died at sea while intercepting a smuggling vessel two years ago. Subsequently, a male police officer posted comments on the police's social media platform, which involved hatred of the Hong Kong government and dissatisfaction among citizens. He was accused of publishing hate speech and charged with "suspicion of seditious intent". He pleaded not guilty earlier.

After the trial, the former police officer was found guilty of the charges. Acting Principal Magistrate Heung Shuk-han stated that the defendant's behaviour posed potential risks and could have actual effects, inciting hostile emotions towards the government among citizens and increasing dissatisfaction with law enforcement agencies. The judge continued to say that the defendant still insists on having no inciting intention and shows no remorse. Therefore, the defendant was sentenced to 10 months in prison.






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