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《全民新聞台》[港聞]男賊涉三宗爆竊案 被控「爆竊」罪明日提堂



旺角警區情報組人員經深入調查及情報分析後,昨日(13日)在大埔區拘捕一名五55歲本地男子,涉嫌爆竊。 他亦涉嫌與4月6至13日在油尖及深水埗區發生的三宗爆竊案有關,財物總損失共約9萬元。案件交由旺角警區刑事調查隊第九隊繼續跟進。該名被捕人已被暫控一項「爆竊」罪,案件將於明日(15日)在西九龍裁判法院提堂。

A pet store located at 152 Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok reported to the police on April 11th that it had been burgled, with a loss of approximately HKD 150,000 in cash. The thief had entered through the store's back door, and the suspect's face was captured on CCTV.

After a thorough investigation and intelligence analysis by the Intelligence Unit of the Mong Kok police district, a 55-year-old local man was arrested in Tai Po on April 13th on suspicion of burglary. He is also suspected of being involved in three other burglary cases in the Yau Tsim and Sham Shui Po districts from April 6th to 13th, with a total loss of approximately HKD 90,000.

The case has been handed over to the 9th team of the Criminal Investigation Division in the Mong Kok police district for further investigation. The arrested person has been temporarily charged with one count of burglary and will be presented in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Court on April 15th.

文 : 湯湯

攝 : 呀爺





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