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《全民新聞台》[港聞]疑搭訕被3男持刀架頸 男子輕傷送院

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK




Knife Wielding Assailants Attack Man at Pub, Leaving Him Injured

A man is nursing injuries after being threatened with a knife early this morning during an altercation at a pub in To Kwa Wan. At approximately 5 AM, the victim was drinking at a pub located on 16 Tam Kung Road when an argument broke out with three other men at the scene.

Words were exchanged and before the man knew it, one of the assailants brandished a knife and slashed at his neck. Terrified, the man fled into the bathroom and dialed emergency services on his mobile phone.

Police arrived minutes later but the three knife-wielding assailants had already escaped. Officers found the victim with a minor cut to his neck, though he refused medical attention at the scene. He was administered first aid and has since been released from the hospital.

Investigators have classified the incident as "wounding" and "possession of offensive weapons." They believe tensions between the men at the pub likely erupted into violence, though the exact motive behind the assault remains unclear. The police have not ruled out rivalry as a possible factor, but there are no known gang affiliations involved.

While knife crime is rare in Hong Kong, the city has seen a spate of violent incidents at nightlife establishments in recent months. Public concern is growing over safety, prompting police to increase patrols and call on the community to report any suspicious characters in possession of bladed weapons.






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承印人: 全民新聞 CVRHK 

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