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《全民新聞台》[港聞][社會專題]救生員人手不足情況嚴峻 長期缺人行業無前景

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK





The Hong Kong lifeguard association announced today that there aren't enough lifeguards to staff all the beaches. The government leisure department could only provide lifeguards at 19 beaches. They had to leave the other 21 beaches unattended. They're urging people to be extra careful swimming, since the lifeguards won't be around to watch everyone.

There's a huge shortage of lifeguards in Hong Kong. The department said the number of seasonal lifeguards they're able to hire has been dropping year after year. Last year they only hired 308 lifeguards, and this year they only managed to hire 214. A lot of lifeguards have been quitting in recent years. The jobs aren't very interesting or well-paying. The licenses to become a lifeguard are complicated and expensive to get. A lot of lifeguards can make more money doing other jobs like construction work.

For the lifeguards still on the job, things have gotten stressful since there are fewer of them to cover more beaches and pools. Some lifeguards even have to watch over two pools at once now. Seasonal lifeguards make between $20,000 to $21,000 Hong Kong dollars per month. Regular full-time lifeguards earn $20,800 to $21,840 HKD per month. If they work out a full contract and perform their duties well, they might get a small bonus when the contract is up.

To become a lifeguard, you need multiple lifesaving and first aid certifications, and the jobs can be physically demanding. People in similar jobs like site guards usually get paid more than lifeguards. So most lifeguards end up finding other careers that pay better, like becoming a firefighter.

In the long run, the government really needs to improve the conditions for lifeguards, give them a close review, if they want to fix this shortage problem. Giving lifeguards better pay and making the jobs more appealing could get more people interested in becoming lifeguards.

文 : 湯湯





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承印人: 全民新聞 CVRHK 

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