A fatal work accident occurred at a construction site on Anderson Road in Sau Mau Ping at 10:32am today. A 52-year-old general worker responsible for cleaning waste was suspected to have slipped and fallen from a height. Other workers heard his cries for help and found him lying on the platform unconscious with serious injuries. The rescue team arrived and sent the victim to the hospital for treatment, where he was later declared dead.
The incident took place at the construction site of a public housing estate, On Sau Yuen. The victim was working on the 15th floor of Block A when the accident happened. He had been working at the site for about a year and a half and had two school-aged children at home.
The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions has contacted the victim's widow, and the Labour Department has sent officers to the scene after receiving the report. An investigation into the cause of the accident is currently underway.
文 : Area 51
攝 : Loki
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