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《全民新聞台》[港聞]私家車觀塘繞道高速穿插 女司機涉危駕被捕





In a crackdown operation against dangerous and speeding driving in the East Kowloon region, the Traffic Enforcement and Control Team of the local police force successfully intercepted a private car driven by a wanted person on Friday afternoon.

According to police reports, the team was conducting the operation around noon when they spotted a car speeding along the Kwun Tong Bypass in an eastward direction. The car was detected exceeding the speed limit multiple times during the pursuit. The team immediately gave chase and intercepted the car near the entrance to the Eastern Harbour Crossing on Lei Yue Mun Road.

The driver was identified as a 30-year-old local female surnamed Lin who was a wanted person for suspected speeding and dangerous driving. After preliminary investigation, she was arrested and granted bail pending further investigation. She is required to report to the police in early May.

This successful operation demonstrates the police force's commitment to ensuring safety on the roads and bringing wanted individuals to justice. The public is reminded to obey traffic laws and drive safely to avoid endangering themselves and others.





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