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《全民新聞台》[港聞]老夫婦疑感情問題爭執 丈夫怒斬母女





In a case of violent slashing that occurred at Hoi Wo House in Cheung Sha Wan's Hoi Lai Estate at 5:35 a.m. this morning, one man has been arrested and two people have been injured. The initial cause of the incident is suspected to be related to a love affair, with the husband suspecting his wife of infidelity.

According to reports, the suspect in this case is a 72-year-old man named Ho. He suspected that his wife, who shares the surname Pan and is of the same age as him, was having an affair, which led to a quarrel. During the argument, Ho lost control of his emotions and first poured boiling water on his wife before hacking at her with an 18 centimeter cleaver. His daughter, who is 48 years old, tried to protect her mother but was also slashed. The suspect then chased after the mother and daughter, but the two locked themselves in a room and called the police.

When the police arrived, they called in the fire department to assist in breaking down the door. They managed to subdue the suspect, who had injured another man. The mother and daughter were found to have been injured on their heads, faces, and hands, and they were rushed to the Caritas Medical Centre and Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment. The suspect has been arrested and taken to the police station for further questioning. The case is now being followed up by the Sham Shui Po Serious Crime Unit.






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