一名懷疑持刀男子於西區德輔道西一便利店企圖行劫, 警方調查後將該名男子拘捕。
On April 9th, a man suspected of wielding a knife attempted to rob a convenience store in Western District on Des Voeux Road West. After an investigation, the police arrested the suspect.
The incident occurred at around 3:15 am when a store employee reported to the police that a man had claimed to have a knife in his bag and attempted to rob the store. The employee refused to comply and activated the alarm. The man then fled the scene, and no injuries or losses were reported. The Western District Regional Special Duties Unit and the Criminal Investigation Team of the Western District Police took over the investigation. On the same day at around 10 pm, they arrested a 35-year-old local man surnamed Li on Kwat Tak Street for attempted robbery. The police also confiscated the clothes he wore during the incident. The suspect was charged with attempted robbery and will appear in Eastern Magistrates' Court tomorrow morning.
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