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《全民新聞台》[港聞]蔡天鳳案 涉協助罪犯被捕女子提堂





A 29-year-old Hong Kong woman Irene Pun Hau-yin, was handed over to the Hong Kong police at a border control point on Tuesday, has secured a HK$50,000 bail after prosecutors accused her of assisting a suspect's attempted to escape by boat, following the murder of model Abby Choi Tin-fung. This morning, she appeared in the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court.

The defendant is temporarily not required to enter a plea. The case has been adjourned to the afternoon of May 8th for further questioning with the previously arrested five individuals. The defendant has been granted bail in the amount of HKD 50,000 in cash with no objection from the prosecution but is not allowed to leave Hong Kong. The defendant is also required to surrender all travel documents, report to the police station twice a week, and reside at the reported address.

The 29-year-old defendant Irene Pun Hau-yin, who claimed to be jobless, was charged with one count of assisting an offender with intent to impede his apprehension or prosecution.

During the hearing, the defendant faced away from the public gallery and appeared calm. When the court clerk read out the charges, she indicated that she understood. After completing the bail procedures and leaving the court, she was surrounded by reporters and left by taxi.






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