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《全民新聞台》[港聞]血庫存量僅餘四日 紅十字會呼籲市民盡快前來捐血




凡年齡介乎16至65歲(符合特定條件人士可捐血至75歲),體重達41公斤或以上的健康人士均可加入捐血者的行列。中心誠邀市民致電各捐血站或透過手機應用程式「HK Blood」預約捐血,詳情請參閱香港紅十字會輸血服務中心網站。

​The spokesperson for the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) today (May 18) urgently appeals to members of the public to donate blood as the inventories have been depleted to a very low level, with only four days of stock. The BTS urgently appeals to donors, especially Type O, Type A and Type B donors, to come forward and give blood to replenish blood inventories to facilitate clinical transfusions.

As blood collection continues to drop amid the unstable weather earlier, together with the increasing blood demand from public hospitals due to the service surge, daily blood collection remains unstable and has been unable to meet the daily target. Blood collection is crucial for emergency operations and organ transplants, as well as for meeting blood demand from thalassemia and blood cancer patients.

Members of the public aged between 16 and 65 (donation is possible up to the age of 75 if predetermined conditions are met), weighing 41 kilograms or above and in good health are eligible to give blood. The BTS reminds donors to make appointment by calling the BTS donor centres, booking online or via the "HK Blood" mobile apps. For details, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service.





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