衞生署已通知學校,並正陸續聯絡所有受影響學生的家長,向各人致歉及解釋事件,署方表示十分關注今次事件,會展開詳細調查以避免同類事件再次發生,正繼續盡力搜尋有關文件及查明事件的確切起因,並會查明小組在存放資料的程序上有否遵從個人資料私隱專員公署的指引。由於署方同時以電子形式儲存相關學童的疫苗接種紀錄,今次事件不會影響有關學生的疫苗注射安排,署方並已設立熱線(2375 4363及2375 4364)供家長於辦公時間內作出查詢。
According to a preliminary enquiry by the DH, its School Immunisation Team visited a primary school on June 26 for outreach vaccination service. Subsequently, a batch of paper record bearing information of 238 Primary One and Primary Six students, including their names, dates of birth, vaccination information as well as contact numbers of their emergency contacts, was found missing. Ongoing efforts are being made to locate the documents concerned and to find out the exact cause of the incident. The DH will also examine if the team has followed the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD)'s guidelines in the safekeeping of information.
The DH has notified the school and is currently contacting all the affected students' parents to express apologies and to inform them of the incident. As the DH has also kept the students' vaccination records in electronic format, the incident will not affect the vaccination arrangement for the students. Two telephone hotlines (2375 4363 and 2375 4364) have also been set up for enquiries for parents during office hours. The DH has reported the incident to the PCPD and the Police.
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