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《全民新聞台》[港聞]西貢80歲失蹤老婦 被發現浮屍西貢海傍




Tragedy struck in Sai Kung earlier today, as the body of an elderly woman was found floating by the sea. The discovery was made around 12:41 pm when a passerby noticed a floating object approximately 20 meters offshore and immediately called for help.

Upon arriving at the scene, police officers and paramedics discovered that the body was that of an 80-year-old woman named Lau, who had already passed away. According to a preliminary investigation, Lau suffered from cognitive impairment and had been reported missing by her family two days ago. She was last seen near the Hoi Tai Lau in Sai Kung, but her whereabouts remained unknown until today when her body was found.

The police are currently investigating the incident to determine the cause of Liu's death. Meanwhile, her body has been placed on the shore and covered with a tent. This tragic event serves as a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and taking precautions when near bodies of water.






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