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《全民新聞台》[港聞]觀塘晚上發生工業意外 清潔工人墮下升降機槽底亡


觀塘巧明街100號 AIA Tower 友邦九龍大樓晚上發生工業意外。18時05分消防接報一名73歲男清潔工人工作期間不慎由33樓跌下升降機槽底位置,消防四分鐘後到場,在一個2米乘2米的升降機槽底發現事主,事主部份肢體散落在升降機槽其他位置,證實已明顯死亡,消防拯救專隊將事主移送返回地面,並從三個平排打通的𨋢槽底及升降機頂部搜尋事主殘肢,包括左腳斷肢。 友邦九龍大樓樓高43層。



A tragic industrial accident occurred last night at the AIA Tower located at 100 How Ming Street in Kwun Tong. A male cleaner, aged 70 or above, fell from the 33rd floor into the elevator shaft while on duty. Emergency services were alerted at 6:05 pm, and the fire department arrived at the scene within four minutes. The victim was found at the bottom of a 2m x 2m elevator shaft, with his limbs scattered in other parts of the shaft. Sadly, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

The fire rescue team worked tirelessly to retrieve the victim and his limbs, and the police classified the incident as an industrial accident. The Labour Department and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department are currently investigating the incident to determine the cause. The AIA Tower, where the incident occurred, is a towering 43-story building in the heart of Kwun Tong.

文 : Area 51

攝 : Loki , 蘿拉





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