Former civic leader jailed for 'seditious' slogans appeals conviction
Tam Tak Chi, the former vice chairman of the disbanded civic group Civic Passion, has appealed his conviction and jail sentence for chanting "seditious" slogans at public protests in 2020.
Tam was charged with 11 counts of "publishing seditious messages" for setting up street booths in multiple districts last year and chanting slogans demanding Hong Kong's independence and the "Five Demands" of the pro-democracy protests.
He was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison earlier this year.
In his appeal, Tam argued that the offense of sedition requires proof that he intended to incite violence through his slogans, which he claims did not involve any calls for violence.
However, the Department of Justice countered that sedition under the law does not require proof of such intent. It is a statutory offense.
The judge at the Hong Kong High Court has temporarily adjourned Tam's appeal case and said a ruling will be delivered within the next 9 months. If Tam loses his appeal, he will have to serve out the remainder of his 3 year and 4 month jail term.
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