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《全民新聞台》[港聞]警反走私行動 以「為走私用途建造船隻」罪拘捕4人





Today at 11:45 am, officers from the New Territories South Regional Anti-Triad Unit, in cooperation with the New Territories South Strike Team and officers from the Police Tactical Unit and Criminal Investigation Department, carried out an anti-smuggling operation based on intelligence and investigation. A search was conducted on the shores of Ngau Kwu Long near the Tai Ho Wan area of Lantau Island and a number of vessels suspected of being modified for smuggling purposes were found.

The seized items include 5 vessels suspected of having been modified for smuggling purposes, as well as 10 engines, which are believed to have been modified for the same purpose. The total value of the items seized is estimated at HK$4 million. A 58-year-old local man was arrested in connection with the offence of "constructing a vessel for the purpose of smuggling". This is the first time that someone has been arrested for this offence.

Further investigations are ongoing and 3 more local men, aged between 28 and 59, were later arrested in connection with 5 offences of "constructing a vessel for the purpose of smuggling". All the suspects are due to appear in Shatin Magistrates' Court in mid-month.






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