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《全民新聞台》[港聞]護理學生暴動罪成 入獄42個月 官指自以為有免責金牌


2019年警方圍堵理工大學內的示威者,其中 17 人在科學館內被捕,早前1名護理學生裁定兩項暴動罪成,還押至今日在區域法院,判入獄3年半,另因管有對講機被罰款2,500港元。


In 2019, the police surrounded protesters inside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Among them, 17 people were arrested inside the Science Museum. Earlier, a nursing student was found guilty of two counts of rioting and was remanded until today's court ruling. The student was sentenced to three and a half years in prison and fined HK$2,500 for possession of a walkie-talkie.

During the sentencing, Judge Chan Kwong-chi stated that the defendant claimed to be a volunteer first-aider and brought first-aid equipment and walkie-talkies to the scene, thinking that being a volunteer first-aider would exempt them from legal liability. The judge criticized the defendant for supporting the rioters in reality. Considering the defendant's deep remorse and apology to law enforcement agencies, society, and the court, as well as receiving strong support from family, girlfriend, and teachers, the judge decided to reduce the sentence. The defendant will serve the sentences for the two crimes concurrently, with a total sentence of 42 months.

文 : Area 51





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