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《全民新聞台》[港聞]護老院兩老翁爭執一人被推跌 留醫後死亡 警拘75歲老翁




An accidental killing case occurred in Mong Kok on the night before last. According to police reports, at around 9:22 pm that evening, a staff member of a nursing home on Ahyu Street reported an incident in which two elderly men, a 74-year-old man surnamed Chen and a 75-year-old man, were suspected of attacking each other with their hands. During the altercation, the 74-year-old man fell to the ground.

Eyewitnesses reported that the man surnamed Chen had obstructed the TV in the lobby, leading to a dispute with the other man. The staff member found the 74-year-old man lying on the ground and called the police. The victim had no visible injuries and was conscious when he was sent to Kwong Wah Hospital for treatment. However, he was pronounced dead at 10:06 am the following day.

The Serious Crime Unit of Mong Kok Police District has taken over the investigation and arrested the 75-year-old man in Mong Kok on suspicion of accidental killing. The suspect is currently being detained for investigation, and the police will conduct an autopsy of the deceased to determine the cause of death.

This unfortunate incident has raised concerns about elder care and safety in nursing homes. The police continue to investigate the case and will release further information as it becomes available.

文 : Area 51





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