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《全民新聞台》[港聞]還押男子因長期病患 送院延至今日死亡





A remanded inmate at the Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre has passed away in a public hospital due to illness, according to an announcement by the Correctional Services Department today (April 9).

The 62-year-old inmate was detained in March 2023 for "possession of dangerous drugs". He was suffering from throat cancer and required long-term treatment and follow-up at institutional and public hospitals. After being remanded, he was sent to the hospital for treatment on March 18 due to physical discomfort, but his condition continued to deteriorate during his hospitalization until he passed away at 1:55 am today.

The Correctional Services Department has reported the incident to the police and will arrange for a coroner's inquest to determine the cause of death.

The passing of the inmate raises questions about the provision of medical care in correctional facilities and the treatment of inmates with serious illnesses. The public will be looking to the authorities for answers and reassurances that appropriate measures are being taken to ensure the well-being of all those in custody.






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