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《全民新聞台》[港聞]鄧炳強誓將8名通緝人士嚴懲追究 23條最遲明年立法

鄧炳強誓將8名通緝人士嚴懲追究  23條最遲明年立法
鄧炳強誓將8名通緝人士嚴懲追究 23條最遲明年立法




Hong Kong security chief says 8 overseas activists will be arrested, assets seized

Hong Kong's security chief vowed today to arrest eight pro-democracy activists overseas and seize their assets as part of a broad crackdown on those accused of threatening national security.

Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-Keing said the fugitives thought they could "evade legal responsibility" by fleeing Hong Kong, but they are continuing to endanger the city.

He said in addition to arresting the activists, the warrants issued by the police national security unit yesterday aim to cut off their funding sources by freezing, confiscating and seizing their assets, as well as tracing their contacts in Hong Kong and abroad.

Tang said they would be "sternly punished and held accountable according to law."

He also said legislation to implement Article 23 of Hong Kong's mini-constitution, which requires the city to pass its own laws against treason, secession and subversion, could be added to the government's legislative agenda "at any time."

Tang said passage of the controversial national security law, which has sparked mass protests in the past, remains a priority and he hopes to see it enacted this year or next year at the latest.






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