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《全民新聞台》[港聞] 酒店命案揭男同志迷姦案中案 警拘2男包括一名衝鋒隊男警






Police from the Regional Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Headquarters uncovered a case within a case during investigations into a hotel homicide this Wednesday. The investigation revealed a case of male homosexuals using dating apps to lure and sexually assault victims, which involved a police officer from the West Kowloon Emergency Unit.

The police received a report at 1 pm on Wednesday that a man was unconscious and unresponsive in a hotel on Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. Upon arrival on the scene, paramedics confirmed the man had died. Investigations revealed that the victim had checked in with another man with homosexual tendencies and that the latter had left soon after, taking the victim's mobile phone with him.

The suspect then met another male from the mainland on the same day through a dating app for homosexuals and went to another hotel on Nathan Road to continue his activities. It is said that the mainland Chinese man was allegedly drugged with a spiked coke and subsequently raped by two men, one of whom was identified as a male same-sex partner of the victim. The victim reportedly left the hotel alone after regaining consciousness, and upon police investigation, several vials of a substance commonly known as "G water," believed to be a type of date rape drug, were found in the hotel room.

The police arrested a male, surname Au, who works in the advertising industry and has a history of drugging and raping male acquaintances, with an estimated 10 victims. Another male, surname Luk, who is a police officer in the West Kowloon Emergency Unit, was also arrested and is being investigated for his involvement in the incident. The police have yet to determine if the substance was the cause of death of a man found dead at the same hotel earlier, and an autopsy will be conducted to confirm if he was also drugged or if his death was due to overdose of the said substance.







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