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作家相片全民新聞 CVRHK

《全民新聞台》[港聞]醫管局推分階段推全新藥物送遞服務 率先於瑪麗醫院及將軍澳醫院專科門診展開


醫管局今日(2日)宣布,5月15日起,分階段為專科門診病人提供收費藥物送遞服務。有關服務將率先於瑪麗醫院及將軍澳醫院專科門診展開,為18歲以上專科門診病人提供藥物送遞服務,病人需要先成為HA Go應用程式的會員,透過醫管局流動應用程式「HA Go」選擇服務,每張處方劃一收費65港元。服務送遞地區涵蓋至全港各區包括離島,最快翌日送到,病人收取藥物時需出示取藥二維碼作身份驗證,醫管局指會委託物流服務公司送遞,藥物送遞時,藥劑師會透過電話或視像程式直接聯絡病人,病人對藥物有疑問亦藥劑師解答問題。


The HA Medication Delivery Service aims to enhance patients’ choice and medication collection experience. By placing a delivery request through HA Go, patients could receive their medications at home or at a specified address (except Post Office Box or Mail Room) without the need to return or wait at the pharmacies of HA hospital or clinic after their consultation.

The service covers most medications prescribed at HA hospitals and clinics, including refrigerated medications. Our contracted service provider will collect your medications from HA pharmacies and your medications will be kept and transported under proper storage conditions during the delivery process.

As the process of delivery takes time, the Medication Delivery Service is not suitable for newly prescribed or urgently required medications. Please refer to the “Estimated Delivery Time” provided under “Easy Q – Pharmacy – Medication Delivery Service” in HA Go and see if it is suitable before arranging for the service.

To collect your medications from the service provider courier, you or your appointed contact person have to present a valid QR code displayed in HA Go for identity verification.

In addition, you may opt for Pharmacist Medication Counselling Service on HA Go if you have any questions about the use of your medications. Our pharmacist will contact you and handle your enquiries. A further comprehensive medication consultation session would be arranged if necessary.

The Medication Delivery Service involves a standard delivery fee of HK$65 per prescription, regardless of weight, size, type and number of medications prescribed. Once the medication delivery request is confirmed and payment is settled, the request cannot be cancelled and the payment cannot be refunded.

文 : 黃芷澄





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