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作家相片全民新聞 CVRHK

《全民新聞台》[港聞]銅鑼灣「瀛豐放題」涉2宗食物中毒 曾食生蠔帶子及海膽刺身




The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (March 7) investigating two suspected food poisoning clusters affecting 12 persons, and reminding the public to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene to prevent foodborne diseases.

The first cluster involved three males and one female, aged 26 to 40, who developed abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, generalised weakness and vomiting, about 29 to 41 hours after having dinner at a restaurant in Causeway Bay on March 2. The other cluster involved eight males, aged 17 to 20, who developed similar symptoms about 21 to 46 hours after having dinner at the same restaurant on March 3.

Two of the affected persons sought medical advice and none required hospitalisation. All affected persons are in stable condition. To prevent foodborne diseases, members of the public are reminded to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times.

攝 : 呀爺





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