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《全民新聞台》[港聞 ]長沙灣私家車撼的士 兩司機受輕傷 警正調查意外成因

長沙灣欽洲街與元洲街交界發生交通意外 攝 : 林棟權 來源 :全民新聞
長沙灣欽洲街與元洲街交界發生交通意外 攝 : 林棟權 來源 :全民新聞



In the early hours of this morning, a traffic accident occurred at the intersection of Yen Chow Street and Un Chau Street in Cheung Sha Wan. According to reports, a private car travelling westward along Yen Chow Street towards West Kowloon Centre collided with a taxi. The collision was so severe that it caused the taxi to rotate 180 degrees in the opposite direction. The driver's seat safety airbag of the private car also deployed due to the strong force of the impact, causing significant damage to the front of the car and the bumper. Both the private car driver and the taxi driver sustained minor injuries and had treatment on the ambulance. It was later revealed that the driver of the private car held a probationary driving license. The police are currently investigating the cause of the accident.

文/攝 : 林棟權





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