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《全民新聞台》[港聞]長洲搶包山決賽下周五舉行 將實施多項措施安排人流

















此外,由銅鑼灣(摩頓台)開出的城巴通宵巴士路線,包括N930(往荃灣愉景新城)開出的凌晨一時三十分的班次、 N952(往屯門置樂花園)開出的凌晨一時二十分的班次、以及N962(往屯門龍門居)開出的凌晨一時十五分及凌晨一時四十五分的班次,亦將改道經中環五號碼頭。



The Bun Scrambling Final is the finale of the 2023 Bun Carnival, and will be staged at the soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground in Cheung Chau on the night of May 26 (Friday). A total of 12 finalists will vie for the championships in the men's and women's divisions.

Trophies will be awarded to the champion, first runner-up and second runner-up in the men's division and the champion in the women's division. The "Full Pockets of Lucky Buns" award will continue to be presented this year to commend the participant who gathers the most buns.

To acknowledge the outstanding achievement of the winners and make the event more appealing, any male or female athlete who has won the first prize three times in the Bun Scrambling Competition from 2016 will become the "King of Kings" or the "Queen of Queens" of the competition and be awarded a trophy.

An opening ceremony to launch the Bun Scrambling Final will be held at 11.30 pm on Friday. The final competition will start at midnight according to tradition. An invitation relay will be held immediately after the individual competition. The organisers, together with the Islands District Office, the Hong Kong Police Force (Police), the Transport Department (TD) and related government departments will implement the following crowd management measures to maintain public order.

Four spectator zones will be set up on the competition night at the soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau, which can accommodate about 1 400 people. The distribution of free admission tickets will start at 10pm. Members of the public can queue up at Pak She First Lane, next to Cheung Chau Fire Station, and along Ping Chong Road for admission tickets. Each person can obtain one ticket on a first-come, first-served basis while tickets last. Spectators who have got their tickets should follow instructions from the Police and staff of the organisers for admission, which is expected to start from 10.30pm. Spectators should enter Zone 1 to Zone 4 in sequence.

Notices will be put up at Central Pier No. 5 informing the public of the schedule and arrangements of the event. Notices and enquiry counters will also be set up at Cheung Chau Ferry Pier and at the entrance of Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau, where staff will address public enquiries.





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