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《全民新聞台》[港聞]長洲發生謀殺案 一名男子死亡 警拘涉案疑兇



警方接報兩名男子在長洲大新後街120號發生爭執,一名姓李52歲男子懷疑被對方以手襲擊後暈倒,頭部受傷,昏迷倒臥地上,送往長洲醫院其後於上午11時53分被證實死亡。涉案43歲姓羅疑兇一度逃去, 警方經追查後於下午1時許在北社新村羅的寓所將他拘捕,現正扣留調查。警方相信案件由金錢糾紛引起,但最後要由驗屍報告確定死因。水警總區重案組正調查案件。


The police received a report that two men were involved in a dispute at 120 TTai San Back Street, Cheung Chau. A 52-year-old man surnamed Li was suspected of being attacked by the other man with his hands and subsequently fell unconscious, suffering head injuries. He was sent to Cheung Chau Hospital and was confirmed dead at 11:53 am. The suspect, a 43-year-old man surnamed Law, fled the scene but was later arrested at his residence in Pak She San Tsuen at around 1 pm after being tracked down by the police. He is currently being detained for further investigation. The police believe that the case was caused by a money dispute, but the cause of death will need to be determined by the autopsy report.

The investigation by the Regional Crime Unit of Marine is underway.

文 : Area 51

攝 : 蘿拉





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