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作家相片全民新聞 CVRHK

《全民新聞台》[港聞 ]青山醫院四男病人下體微傷 疑涉刑事成分 已報警處理






The healthcare staff of CPH discovered the genitals of four adult patients in a male ward for intellectual disability were mildly injured while performing nursing care procedures last night (July 20). The patients were suspected of being assaulted. CPH is very concerned about the incident and immediately reported it to the Police. The four patients were transferred to the Accident and Emergency Department of Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) for examination. Three of them have returned to Castle Peak Hospital after examination, wound management and treatment. The remaining patient is currently receiving treatment at TMH and is in stable condition.

After conducting a preliminary investigation, the hospital found that one of the male patients in the ward, who was put on limb restraints due to clinical needs, had previously removed the restraints on his own. The hospital is investigating whether the event is related to the injuries of the four patients. The incident has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.

As the incident is suspected to be criminal related, the hospital has reported it to the Police for further investigation. CPH will fully co-operate with the police investigation. The hospital has also informed relatives and will render necessary assistance. The hospital always attaches great importance to protecting the safety of patients throughout their stay. CPH will immediately strengthen inspection and supervision of patient activities and take all feasible measures to ascertain that patients are treated in an appropriate hospital environment.

攝 : 黃芷澄





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