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《全民新聞台》[港聞]青衣供電事故388名用戶受影響 政府加強監管要求改善

青衣供電事故388名用戶受影響  政府加強監管要求改善
青衣供電事故388名用戶受影響 政府加強監管要求改善


青衣供電事故388名用戶受影響 政府加強監管要求改善



388 Users Affected by Power Outage in Tsing Yi, Government Strengthens Regulation and Demands Improvement

This morning at 9:38am, a power outage occurred in Cheung On Estate in Tsing Yi, affecting 388 users. Full power was restored by 11:04am. CLP Power explained the outage was caused by a fault in underground cables. The government strongly demanded that CLP comprehensively review its systems and implement preventative follow-up maintenance to ensure the incident does not reoccur.

Separately, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department dispatched personnel to investigate the cause of the incident. They will follow up on CLP's repair work and have also requested a detailed report from CLP within two weeks. Under the Electricity Ordinance (Cap 406), the EMSD regulates the operations of power companies to ensure Hong Kong has a safe and reliable power supply. They will step up inspections of electrical facilities and operational quality to maintain power safety.






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