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《全民新聞台》[港聞]飛墮太陽能板車Cam影像 司機險象環生




A car camera footage has been released following the incident this morning at 10:39 am in Tuen Mun where solar panels fell from a high-rise building. The incident occurred on Tsing Wun Road when a private car was driving towards Butterfly Beach and had just passed the opposite side of the Tung Ming Industrial Building. It is suspected that strong winds caused the solar panels on the building to fall, along with a large amount of iron and metal sheets that crashed down onto the front of the private car.

The windshield of the car was pierced by the falling debris, but fortunately, the driver was not hit and sustained no injuries. The driver described the incident as feeling like he had experienced a rebirth after narrowly escaping harm. Following the incident, Tsing Wun Road was temporarily closed.






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