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《全民新聞台》[港聞]葵芳爆竊謀殺案 警通輯一名中國籍男子



昨晚19時41分,警方接獲獲一名男子報案,指其姓梁63歲同居女友在葵芳葵義路15號葵芳閣第3座一單位內暈倒, 救護人員趕到現場,檢查後證實她當場死亡,她頭部被襲擊流血,相信是致命原因。

據悉女死者與男友昨午約二時左右一同到葵涌廣場飲茶,男友其後往上班,死者之後前往購物,隨後返回單位。男友晚上七時半左右回家,由於無帶鎖匙,拍門但無人應門,於是找持有其單位後備門匙的鄰居,在開門後發現死者倒臥在單位內,於是報警。警方到場進行調查,發現單位內有被搜掠痕迹,夾萬被撬開,懷疑被爆竊。警方翻看大廈閉路電視錄影追查線索,並到附近商舖作調查,大廈住客返回樓上單位需續一登記。案件現正由新界南總區重案組跟進。 14日凌晨,新界南刑事總部警司陳志昌向傳媒就爆竊及謀殺案交待案情。

Detective Chief Inspector Chan media briefing on the case.

陳志昌警司指女死者為上述單位女戶主,警方於上址發現她時已完全無知覺,頭部有多處傷痕,確認已明顯死亡,經警方調查後發現現場有一支不屬於上址的鐵筆,鐵筆上並且染有血漬, 上址亦有明顯被搜掠過的痕跡, 一個萬來被人拖出客廳嘗試用工具撬開但不成功 ; 在上址亦發現一些屬於死者的個人物品及財物不翼而飛。警方相信死者大概於2時至3時回到家中,當時疑犯正在單位內進行爆竊,被死者撞破,疑犯遂用鐵筆襲擊死者頭部,將她殺害後後逃離現場。


Last night at 7:41 pm, the police received a report from a man that his 63-year-old cohabiting girlfriend had collapsed inside unit 3 of Kwai Fong Court, 15 Kwai Yi Road, Kwai Fong. Ambulance personnel rushed to the scene and confirmed her death upon examination. Her head had been struck and was bleeding, believed to be the cause of her death.

According to reports, the female victim and her boyfriend had lunch together at Kwai Chung Plaza yesterday afternoon. Her boyfriend then went to work while the victim went shopping and later returned to the unit. Her boyfriend returned home around 7:30 pm but did not have his keys with him. He knocked on the door but received no response, so he asked a neighbour who had a spare key to the unit to open the door. The neighbour discovered the victim lying inside the unit and reported it to the police. The police conducted an investigation and found evidence of burglary inside the unit, with the safe having been pried open. They suspect it was a theft. The police reviewed CCTV footage from the building and conducted inquiries at nearby shops. Residents of the building must register their return to their units. The case is currently being followed up by the Serious Crime Unit of the New Territories South Region.

文 : Area 51

攝 : 籮拉





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